Berichte 2020

Here you can find the annual report

Report of the 1st Chairman after the visit to Namibia

All in all, I, Joachim Knoche, was able to get a lot done and make a lot of progress in the five weeks I spent in Namibia. Corona was no longer a big issue in Namibia, and many masks were worn as a nice neck brace. But unfortunately, the number of new infections is currently rising again and things are now being handled more strictly again.

I will try to give you a first brief feedback on three points.

1)I was able to visit many of the 70 schoolchildren supported by the association in their student residences and talk to them about their sensitivities and problems. Some were not present because only half of the students are taught at any one time.

2)During the Corona lockdown, we were able to bring aid worth around €12,000 to Namibia. In addition to the 1,700 masks that were sewn by local women themselves, we were able to distribute more than 300 large food packages. These packages were very important for all those who received something, but they also caused a lot of envy among others. Emergency aid is only suboptimal, even if it is distributed by local officials.

It is particularly important to us to encourage people to take initiative. That is why I have repeatedly raised awareness of the local market in Okombahe. Many people make beautiful things there (textiles, handicrafts, but also vegetables, eggs, chickens, etc.), but they cannot sell them anywhere. Only through a local market can the money stay in the town.

3)Many disadvantaged children and young people need a day center in Okombahe to receive support. In the medium term, we would like to build a day center there that will meet two conditions: Firstly, around 30 needy and neglected children will be registered there by their parents, who will then be required to be present from midday to evening in order to receive food and receive academic support. Secondly, the center will also be open to day visitors, who will be able to use the facilities (Wi-Fi, computers, homework support, learning opportunities and sports activities, etc.) for a small fee. The management of this larger day center can only be taken over by a well-trained person (management and pedagogy), who will also live there in a new apartment.

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Why is the first chairman flying to Namibia?

Joachim and Margret Knoche’s stay in March was already marked by the lockdown of schools and kindergartens in Namibia.

1)Since they did not have the opportunity to meet all 70 schoolchildren supported and speak to those responsible, they now want to do so. These personal relationships are important to the association. This is the only way for the students to learn that the donations the association receives from them are not something to be taken for granted, even in Germany.

2)In recent months, the association has distributed additional food packages for over €12,000 and had mouth and nose masks made. Now the aid must be evaluated and it must be considered together with the people how help for self-help can be strengthened. Do additional water wells in Okombahe make sense? The association can build these with an expert who is also a member of the association. But is this legally permitted, how expensive are they and what conditions must be observed during construction? Are there gardens that are already being worked on communally and for which an additional well would be the help needed to operate economically? Then these gardens could also regularly supply the association's two or three soup kitchens in Okombahe.

3)The people affected locally in Okombahe should discuss what the soup kitchen children need during the holidays or in the afternoon after school. A possible day centre for these children is planned, where they can receive homework help and other educational suggestions. But what do the local people think about this? Is a larger day centre in the centre of the town or are three smaller premises in the widely spread town of Okombahe more sensible? Which building sites or premises can the administration allocate to the association and under what conditions? Only then can construction and the search for specialist staff begin.

4)In addition, there are many children in Okombahe supported by the association who do not finish school well and then end up hanging around on the streets or becoming casual workers. For these young people, Swakopmund offers the opportunity to offer a three-month to two-year vocational training course at a reasonable price. The framework for this must be established, both for accommodation and support in Swakopmund and for the selection of the young people and their own initiative. To what extent can they support the town of Okombahe or other people after completing their training?

5)The association currently has three projects with external financing that are not yet completed. Different discussions need to be held for all three projects.

6)Two encounter projects (school partnership and project trip) have been postponed from this year to next year and a work camp for young adults is planned for 2021. All three encounter trips need to be prepared, discussed and planned in more detail. Which employees are available on site? How will the encounters be structured in concrete terms?

7)As the “Namibia Support Association eV” based in Pfedelbach, the association needs legal representation in Namibia, either a branch of the German association in Namibia or a new association structure there. Legal information and discussions with a law firm are being sought for this decision.

8)Since the German tax office wants a receipt for every euro spent in Namibia, a lot of evidence has to be collected again.

9)While the first chairman is in Okombahe, Namibia, the confirmations are taking place in the Protestant parish there, which some of the parents of the confirmands from Untersteinbach have supported. This means that current photos can be brought along and personal greetings from the Untersteinbach parish can be conveyed.

10) Last but not least, many personal relationships with former students and friends in Namibia have existed for years. These relationships need time to be nurtured.

A long list of tasks that need to be worked on and considered. In retrospect, it will become clear what was possible. I would be grateful if you would accompany me in prayer or with good thoughts.

If you are interested in reports from the trip, please write your interest to .

NAMIBIA – für junge Erwachsene

Interkulturelle Begegnungsreise mit Workcamp

Der Namibia-Unterstützungsverein möchte im August/September 2021 eine dreiwöchige Begegnungsreise mit einem Workcamp in Okombahe durchführen.

Sechs junge Erwachsene im Alter von 18 bis 30 Jahren können an der Reise teilnehmen, die mit einer Zeit in Windhoek beginnt. Bei einem zweiwöchigen Arbeitseinsatz zusammen mit jungen namibischen Erwachsenen in Okombahe sollen Spielplätze für Kinder und Jugendliche repariert und hergestellt werden. In der Zeit besteht auch die Möglichkeit sich in sozialen Kinderprojekten einzubringen. Während der Zeit steht neben dem gemeinsamen Arbeiten besonders die Begegnung mit jungen Namibiern und deren Lebensweise im ländlichen, einfachen und ursprünglichen Okombahe im Vordergrund. Den Abschluss bildet eine mit den jungen Namibiern gemeinsame Safaritour in das Damaraland und in die Etoscha-Pfanne.

Alle, die sich für diese Reise interessieren, sind bereit in dieser Zeit einfach zu leben und mit jungen Namibiern Kontakte aufzubauen.

Der Flug und der abschließende touristische Teil wird von den Teilnehmern selbst getragen, währende die gemeinsame Zeit in Okombahe und die Transportkosten im Land bezuschusst werden. Margret und Joachim Knoche, die selbst für 8 Jahre in der Gegend gelebt haben, werden diese Reise mit einem jungen Ehepaar aus Öhringen zusammen leiten.

Bei Interesse schreiben Sie bitte, an den Namibia-Unterstützungsverein unter Kontakt

Namibia is no longer a risk country

Notes from Namibia from October 19, 2020

Since October 15, 2020, there is no longer a special travel warning for Namibia from the German Foreign Office. The number of new infections and people who have died from Covid-19 has steadily decreased in Namibia in recent weeks. The current incidence rate for Namibia is settling at 15, so from an epidemiological point of view, the Robert Koch Institute no longer issues a travel warning from Germany.

At the end of September, the state of emergency in Namibia was lifted by the president. Since then, everyday life has returned to normal. The borders are also partially open, and all those entering the country must report where they are staying for the first seven days and be tested for Covid-19 again after five days.

In mid-September, we received another call for help from Okombahe. This time, it was the younger adults who were asking for food rations. Most of them are unemployed migrant workers from the coastal region or other cities where they lost their jobs during the lockdown and therefore returned to their hometown and their families in Okombahe.

We again had the Protestant church distribute 63 large food packages (for €1,650) to young adults and their families. This was a typical corona-related aid that was urgently needed, but now that life is returning to normal, it is no longer necessary.

Thank you for your special donations, which have enabled us to help generously over the last six months. We have distributed food packages and had mouth and nose protection masks made for over €12,000. If you would like to help with the association's projects, you are welcome to transfer money to our association account.

Critical mark again undercut.

Current notes from Namibia from September 14, 2020

In August, the number of new corona infections rose significantly in all regions of Namibia, but especially in the capital Windhoek. This is why President Hage Gaingob has imposed greater restrictions on the entire country in recent weeks. The borders are still closed to tourists, and only the final year classes are taking part in normal classes in schools. However, since the end of August, the number of new infections has been slowly but steadily declining. Hospitals are also not reporting any dramatic overcrowding. Across the country as a whole, the number of new infections in the last seven days per 100,000 inhabitants has now fallen below the critical mark of 50. In mid-August, this figure was still just under 80.

As of today (September 14), all pupils are going back to school and kindergartens have also reopened. Everything with social distancing rules and with mouth and nose protection.

The soup kitchens have been able to continue operating in recent months with a hygiene concept. The only major difference from before is that now significantly more children, young people, and also adults and the elderly come to our three soup kitchens to get food. Yvonne, Pastor Andreas' wife, speaks of 300 people per meal; previously there were around 45 young people from secondary school in her soup kitchen. Albertina also speaks of significantly more visitors. This prompted us as an association to provide additional help. Both soup kitchens can now buy food at the grocery store in Omaruru for higher amounts and at the end of August another 60 larger food packages were distributed to needy families in Okombahe. One food package like this can feed several people for 1-2 weeks.

In Omaruru, we are also supporting a soup kitchen at the church for the time being, which cooks ready-made food and distributes it in solid containers. The 110 children collect the food and bring it home, where others are still waiting for the food.

Thanks to your special donations, we have been able to provide an additional €4,500 for extra meals and hygiene measures in Okombahe over the last two months. Sewing washable mouth and nose protection also helps some women in Okombahe to earn a little extra income.

People are very grateful for this, as many no longer have any income. This particularly affects day laborers, all employees in the tourism sector, all employees in the church's student hostels, but also the priests, who have to survive on the few offerings from the parishioners who have nothing themselves.

Thank you for your generous donations. It's great that there are so many people who support people in the global south beyond their own needs. If you would like to help with the association's projects, you are welcome to transfer money to our association account.

Sommerurlaub in Namibia?

Aktuelle Notizen aus Namibia 2. August 2020

Nein, Danke! Diesen Sommer geht es wahrhaftig nicht. Vom Auswärtigen Amt besteht bis mindestens 31. August immer noch eine Reisewarnung, aber auch Namibia lässt noch keine Touristen ins Land.

Wie sind in Namibia die neuesten Entwicklungen?

Nun in den Wintermonaten, in denen es an der Küste feucht und kalt ist, gehen die Zahlen der Infizierten deutlich hoch: In den letzten 7 Tagen waren es 538 Neuinfizierte, das heißt bei einer Bevölkerung von ca. 2,3 Millionen ist das ein Wert von 23,4 je 100000 Personen. Das ist nicht beängstigend, zumal die Krankenhäuser nicht voller sind als sonst und es bisher nur 10 Verstorbenen mit den Corona-Symptomen gibt. Auch wird in Namibia recht viel und regelmäßig getestet, anders als in vielen anderen Ländern.

Der Präsident Hage Gaingob verkündet alle zwei Wochen die neuen Maßnahmen. Die Klassen 10-12 bleiben in den Schulen und werden auf ihre Abschlüsse vorbereitet, die Klassen 1-9 gehen nun doch erst Ende August wieder in die Schule. Versammlungen bis 100 Personen sind erlaubt, z.B. Hochzeiten, Gottesdienste und Beerdigungen, Mannschaftssportarten dürfen stattfinden, aber ohne Zuschauer. Nur die Stadtkreise Walvis-Bay, Swakopmund und Arandis haben noch stärkere Beschränkungen, da über 90% der Infizierten aus diesen Gegenden kommen.     weiterlesen

A bus for a school in the African bush

Due to South African apartheid, the Martin Luther High School had to be relocated in 1969 from the town of Karibib, which was declared a "whites only" area, to near Okombahe, the homeland of the Damaras. This boarding school was allowed to be built with a special permit at this former mission school, where at the time predominantly white teachers taught black students, far away from any other "white" settlement. In the town of Omaruru, 70 km away, there was the infrastructure that every school needs: a railway station from where the students had to be picked up, a post office where the mail was stored and, of course, food and supply stores. At that time, a Mercedes-Benz 1113 truck was converted so that 70 students and their luggage could be transported on the back. It was always a dusty affair, but the transport and the singing of the 70 young people on their "lorry" made history. Joachim Knoche, who taught at the school with his wife for eight years in the 1990s, often rode on the truck himself.

Image: The Mercedes-Benz Lorry from 1969

The students were transported in this robust vehicle for almost 50 years until it could no longer be repaired. For two years, the need was great as no larger vehicle was available for this boarding school in the middle of the bush. Together with the Bosch Foundation "Cents for help eV", the Namibia Support Association was now able to help.

Even before the strict lockdown, the association transferred €20,000 for a refurbished, used Mercedes bus, 38-seater with luggage space, which had chauffeured tourists through Namibia for the last 20 years. The Namibian Protestant Church, which runs the school, and the school itself were very happy.

This path is not an easy path!
Current Notes from Namibia 13 July 2020
In Namibia, too, the motto is "wait and see", if you have the tea. The corona numbers are developing very differently in Namibia and the measures have been adapted accordingly.
Today, July 13, 785 infections, one death and currently 800 people in quarantine have been confirmed. The majority of these come from the wintry, wet and cold Walvisbay and Swakopmund, and these urban districts are still under stricter lockdown. In most of the country, the easing of restrictions is taking effect, most students are going back to school and general life is returning to normal. The only thing missing are the tourists, who are crucial for the work of around one in three people in Namibia. National tourism is taking place, but most hotels, lodges and nature reserves cannot survive on this. The international airports are also currently closed. The national airline Air Namibia has been under discussion again since last week. As of today, there is a new CEO, Theo Mberirua, who is said to have already saved other companies. Everyone can imagine what this means: further layoffs and savings. The airline needs more than €400 million to be saved and profitable again. The previously daily flights to Frankfurt will probably only get out of the red in the medium term in a joint venture, possibly with Lufthansa.
A few weeks ago, the government announced that it would fly in around 1,000 test tourists in mid-July, who would have to show a negative corona test result that was less than 72 hours old when entering the country. A possible quarantine would mean the end of short-term tourism. But the German travel warning is still in place at the moment.
So Namibian society must focus on itself for the time being. And maybe that's a good thing! read more
Grüße aus Okombahe an den Kindergarten in Pfedelbach-Heuberg
Im Februar, noch bevor Margret und Joachim Knoche im März für einen Monat zu den Vereinsprojekten nach Namibia reisten, haben die Kinder und Eltern des Kindergartens in Heuberg einiges über Namibia, über das Leben der Kinder, über die Tiere und Lebensgewohnheiten dort, bei zwei Informationsveranstaltungen des Vereinsvorsitzenden kennengelernt. Das Interesse an den beiden ländlichen, afrikanischen Kindergärten und der Toy-Library – einem Raum mit pädagogischem Spielsachen - war sehr groß. Die Erzieherinnen gaben Joachim Knoche eine tolle, selber zusammengestellte Mappe mit vielen Bildern und Informationen über den Kindergarten Heuberg, eine aufgenommenes Faschingslied und einzelne persönliche Spenden mit. weiterlesen

Hunger, hunger, hunger, …
Current Notes from Namibia 20 June 2020
The last "Namibia Notes" from June 6th were already out of date when you read them in the newspaper. At that time, only a few new positive cases had appeared in the Walvis Bay area, but the virus has spread quickly along the coast. It is now winter in Namibia and it is cool and wet on the coast. It seems that these are very good conditions for the spread. Today (as of June 20th) there are already 45 cases and the government's desire to have the virus under control seems to be becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.
So two weeks ago the entire Erongo region was completely sealed off again, and this now also affects Omaruru and Okombahe, where most of our projects are located. Schools are closed again, there is a strict curfew, churches are closed again, and soup kitchens can only provide for children and adults in need under very strict conditions (distance rules and face masks and temperature checks). More and more negative news is reaching me: companies are now laying off their permanent employees or at least wages are being reduced by 50%. The day laborers and casual workers, but also the priests, have no income again during the strict lockdown and hunger is spreading rapidly. The WhatsApps that I have received from locals in the last few weeks are a sad testimony to this. read more
Walvis Bay wieder zurück in Phase 1
Aktuelle Notizen aus Namibia         6. Juni 2020

Seit Anfang Juni ist Namibia nun in der Phase 3 der Corona-Lockerungen angelangt, das heißt, die meisten Personen arbeiten wieder in ihren Betrieben, die Namibier können sich frei im Lande bewegen, die Restaurants und Lodges dürfen wieder öffnen und es darf wie-der Alkohol gekauft und konsumiert werden, jedoch noch nicht im Restaurant. Die Prü-fungsklassen 11 und 12 haben wieder Unterricht und die anderen Klassen folgen in den kommenden Wochen, so dass Mitte Juli wieder alle Schüler in den Schulen unterrichtet werden. Es wird keine größeren Ferien mehr geben und das Schuljahr geht wohl 4 Wochen länger, bis kurz vor Weihnachten. So versucht die Regierung, dass der versäumte Unter-richt nachgeholt wird.
Bisher sind die Zahlen der bestätigten Corona-Fälle sehr niedrig. Heute (6.6.20) sind 29 Fälle bekannt, davon 13 noch erkrankt und 800 Personen sind in Quarantäne. Die meisten von denen waren beruflich in Südafrika, z.B. als Truck-Fahrer oder Studenten oder kom-men über den einzigen großen Tiefseehafen Walvis Bay ins Land. Die Regierung ist sehr vorsichtig in Namibia. Die Befürchtung ist groß, dass eine Ansteckung bei den eng aufei-nander lebenden Menschen in den „informal settlements“ (Wellblechsiedlungen) und die möglichen Krankenhausaufenthalte nicht unter Kontrolle zu halten sind. Da die letzten be-kannten Erkrankungen alle aus Walvis Bay, dem Umschlagsort an der Atlantikküste, ge-kommen sind, ist nun diese Stadt wieder völlig abgeriegelt und es besteht eine strenge Ausgangssperre. Das hat natürlich wieder Folgen für das ganze Land, denn die angeliefer-ten Waren von den Schiffen können nun nicht im Land verteilt werden.        weiterlesen

Police send hungry people home
Current Notes from Namibia 16 May 2020

Pastor Absalom /Keib and his wife Bianca live in Omaruru, about 3 hours northwest of Windkoek. He is the pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church there. There are many needy people living in his congregation who are now in great distress due to the strict lockdown imposed by the Namibian government. All casual workers and street vendors no longer have any income. He and his wife organize a regular soup kitchen there for children and young people who depend on a regular meal. I have had occasional contact with the congregation during my travels in recent years and the Namibia Support Association has helped the soup kitchen sporadically.
Now last week we received a letter and a call from them saying that there is great hunger in their community due to the special conditions of the Corona measures. 35 households in particular urgently need support. His request: Can't we help just once? He wrote us a letter with suggestions as to what could be included in an aid package: corn flour, sugar, flour for baking, oil, rice, tea and coffee. This should cost €15 per package. In the committee of our association we quickly agreed that we should help - also because of YOUR Corona donations. In consultation with the local grocery store, we supplemented these packages with non-perishable and dried vegetables, some fruit and soap and washing powder, so that a package now cost €25. We ordered not just 35 packages, but 36, so that the pastor couple, who have also lost income at the moment, could also keep a package for themselves.
In addition to the food packages, a woman from the community has agreed to make 100 washable face masks for €1 each, in order to generate a small income. As of this week, face masks have also been compulsory in Namibia.
All in all, this aid package for 36 households now cost 1000€. read more
Namibia relaxes the exit restrictionsrestriction
Current Notes from Namibia May 2, 2020

From Tuesday, May 5th, the strict exit restrictions are being relaxed somewhat. People are now allowed to move freely throughout the country again, but must wear a face mask in public. The government is providing some masks to those in particular need. The external borders remain closed, but Namibians are now allowed to return to their country after a two-week quarantine. Larger and smaller retail stores have reopened, and street vendors, restaurants and lodges that offer food are also allowed to sell it as take-away. Beauty salons and hairdressers are allowed to open under special hygiene and distancing regulations.
Otherwise, restaurants, hotels, theaters, cinemas, gyms, nightclubs, casinos, seminars, conference centers and amusement parks remain closed and alcohol may not be bought or sold. Public gatherings are not permitted, including church services and community meetings.
This phase two is provisionally valid until June 2nd.
In the phase three, which applies throughout June, restaurants, hotels and cultural institutions will be reopened, but with the condition that alcohol may only be consumed in private. Hopefully, church events will then be allowed again (with restrictions).
In the phase four The "new normal" will then begin. From the end of June, the borders to selected countries will be gradually reopened and school and university operations will then resume in their normal form from the beginning of August.
However, these three additional phases can be shortened or extended due to special circumstances. However, Namibia now has a 4-phase plan that people can follow.
What does this mean for our club?
The last five weeks of strict lockdown have had a negative impact on people without permanent jobs, day labourers and casual workers. left behind a lot of poverty and hardship. But pastors and church employees will not be earning anything in the next few weeks. School meals for primary school children will also not be available until August.
Albertina and Yvonne will now reopen their soup kitchens with the necessary distance rules, but there are probably many more children and adults who urgently need these extra meals.
I would like to thank all donors who have sent us an extra donation during this special time. We will use this money and additional money from our association's budget to alleviate the suffering of the people in Okombahe and other parts of Namibia.

Namibia-Unterstützung bringt Hilfspakete nach Okombahe.
Aktuelle Notizen aus Namibia 26. april 2020
Wie ich Ihnen in den letzten „Notizen aus Namibia“ berichtet habe, gibt es nun seit einer Woche in Namibia einen landesweiten strengen Lock-Down mit strikten Ausgansbeschränkungen. Die Folge ist, dass alle Personen, die kein festes Gehalt bekommen, nun mehr keine Möglichkeit haben, durch Gelegenheitsarbeiten oder Straßenverkäufe etwas Geld zu verdienen. Letzte Woche schrieb ich von dem bemerkenswerten Hilfsleistungen der Regierung, die ca. 150 000 Personen zum Überleben helfen. Noch kurz vor dem Lock-Down fuhren nun einige Personen auf ihre kleinen privaten Familienfarmen, aber viele bleiben eben doch auch in Okombahe zurück.
Nach meinen Informationen kamen die Regierungshilfen jedoch bisher im ländlichen Okombahe nicht an. Albertina, eine unserer ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterinnen, rief uns an und bat uns, an die ca. 30 Familien mit ihren Suppenküchenkindern zu denken, die im Augenblick gar nichts mehr haben. Unsere beiden Suppenküchen und auch die staatliche Schulspeisung für Grundschulkinder stoppte Mitte März als alle Schulen geschlossen wurden und sich größere Menschengruppen nicht mehr versammeln durften. Nach kurzer Rücksprache fuhr Albertina nach Omaruru zum monatlichen Einkauf, und kaufte so ein, dass sie zusammen mit Desiree, einer Sekretärin vom Bürgermeisteramt, den Einkauf in 30 einzelne Tüten abpackte. Augustinus, der Konrektor der Grundschule, der ebenso die Situation der Kinder sehr gut einschätzen kann, vervollständigte das Gremium, um diese 30 Päckchen zusammen mit etwas Suppe und Fleischbällchen zu verteilen.                    weiterlesen

Namibia bringt Geld für ein Hilfspaket auf den Weg.
Aktuelle Notizen aus Namibia 18. April 20
Wie ich Ihnen in den letzten „Notizen aus Namibia“ von vor zwei Wochen berichtet habe, gibt es in Namibia seit Ende März ähnliche Auflagen und Kontaktbeschränkungen wie in Deutschland, doch mit anderen Folgen.
Nun hat sich auch dort in den letzten zwei Wochen wieder einiges neu ergeben. Die offiziellen Zahlen stehen aktuell (18.4.20) immer noch auf 16 bestätigte positive Corona-Infizierte und keine Todesfälle, aber diese Zahlen sind bei der geringen Testung und bei dem offiziellen Verbot aktuelle Zahlen zu veröffentlichen mit großer Vorsicht zu genießen. Aber da wir auch von vielen Freunden über E-Mail oder WhatsApp nichts Gegenteiliges hören, scheint die medizinische Situation in Namibia nicht dramatisch zu sein. Der partielle Lock-Down für die Hauptstadt und die angrenzenden Regionen ist seit heute bis zum 4. Mai auf das ganze Land ausgedehnt. Nur die Fischerei kann unter bestimmten Bedingungen weiterarbeiten. Der namibische Lock-Down ist vergleichbar mit einer Ausgangsbeschränkung, abgesehen von Arztbesuchen und Esseneinkäufen darf niemand auf der Straße sein, und es besteht auch ein generelles Verbot, Alkohol zu kaufen. Auch die Schule sind selbstverständlich bis dahin geschlossen. Die Schüler sollen verstärkt über das Internet unterrichtet werden. Aber das wird nur bei einigen Privatschulen mit Schülern aus besseren Verhältnissen gut funktionieren. Der Großteil der Schüler lebt sehr einfach oder sogar abseits auf den ländlichen Farmen. Über WhatsApp wird wahrscheinlich die eine oder andere Arbeitsaufgabe versandt. Aber der nötige Tisch für die Bearbeitung sollte bestimmt mitgeliefert werden.  weiterlesen


Please don’t forget to help Namibia!
Current Notes from Namibia 4 April 2020
After 4 weeks in Namibia, Magret and Joachim Knoche are now back in Pfedelbach thanks to the federal government's repatriation program. A little later than in Germany, but at the end of the time, the measures taken by the Namibian government because of the Corona crisis were the same as those here in Germany: the country has closed itself off from the outside world, there are no more flights and travel and contact restrictions have been imposed in two regions around the capital Windhoek. The number of people infected with Corona is still very low in Namibia, mainly people who have had contact with other countries in recent weeks. But these low numbers should be heard with great caution, only a few people are being tested and I have no information on what the situation is like in the hospitals or health centers. read more
Jahreshauptversammlung 2020              
                                                             mit dem Bericht des Vorstandes von 2019
On Saturday, January 11, 2020 found the free study day for those interested at the Namibia Support Association in Pfedelbach.
Topics: Gives people trust and income
and the further development of our projects in the coming years
With 18 other people, it was very inspiring to think outside the box and develop the projects further.
Here you can find the annual report
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